3 cups (750ml) Vitasoy Soy Milky Regular
2 cloves garlic, sliced
2/3 cup (135g) instant polenta
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
Optional Ingredient:
2 Tbsp grated sheeps pecorino cheese
if ($ingredientsExtra) { ?> } ?>Method
- Heat Vitasoy Soy Milky Regular and garlic in a medium sized saucepan until almost boiling. Use a slotted spoon to collect garlic pieces and discard.
- Add polenta, and stir until the mixture boils.
- Reduce heat to low, stir constantly for further 3-5 minutes until polenta cooked. Polenta should be texture of smooth mashed potato.
- Stir through cheese (if using) until melted and season to taste with pepper.
Tip: Top with grilled herb chicken fillets. Sheep's cheese is readily available in the deli section of most major supermarkets. It can also be purchased from gourmet delicatessens. As optional ingredient in this dish, simply omit the sheep's pecorino when making the creamy polenta to enjoy this as a dairy free alternative to mashed potato.
} ?>